Thursday, November 18, 2010

Are Charter Schools a Better Way?

Education is the social justice issue of this century. 67% of US citizens believe we have a crises in education. Reform conversations are occurring at a rapid pace throughout the US. President Obama says money without reform will not fix the problem. Nationally, 32 states have already changed laws to support reform to create better schools.

Despite improvement of cluster schools, 3 out of 10 students are not proficient in English Language Arts and and 1 out of 2 students are not proficent in Math. At the High School level, 4 out of 5 students are not proficient in Math.

For the past 12 months the Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation (PLCSF) has reached out to stakeholders hosting community outreach forums and sending out cluster wide survey to hear your voice. A common theme from our community regarding our cluster schools has been control of budget and programs, accountability, teacher evaluation, data driven decision making, hiring flexibility at school sites, engaging / relevant curriculum, paced / personalized learning environments, de-tracking of students, stability of leadership and flexible / adaptive schools. >>> Click Here To Learn More.

The Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation invites you to a community dialogue "Are Charters a Better Way?" on February 2, 2011. >>> Click Here For Details. Get involved, hear from a great panel, learn more about our cluster schools and have your voice heard! Follow us on Twitter.

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