Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Point Loma Cluster Governance - Budget Pilot

The Point Loma Cluster is exploring a "cluster governance model". This is consistent with the SDUSD board strategy enabling governance at the cluster level to better meet the needs of the community. A cluster governance model could enable our community schools to have more budget control at the school site level as well as create a platform of budget synergy between schools. The total budget for our 10 cluster schools (6,000 students) is $36MM. School site budget vary between $5,500 per student and as high as $8,900 per student. This is the beginning of a community dialogue - the Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation will work closely with ALL stakeholders to ensure that this process is inclusive, transparent and collaborative. Outcomes need to be synergistic, sustainable and accountable. Please share your thought and ideas on how we can better utilize our school site budgets as well as create budget synergy within our cluster. For more information see Point Loma Cluster Governance.


Matt Spathas said...

I think this conversation is very timely. Collaboration, best practices, innovation, budget synergy and flexibility will be key to maintaining and improving the learning environments for all students in our community. I look forward to input and ideas from all stakeholders.

Susan N..... said...

When you talk about indentifing "areas where we can leverage and synergize our budget dollars" what did you have in mind? Could you provide an example?

Matt Spathas said...

Hi Susan: Sure. professional development, support services, electives, programs (language, music), special education. Could come via school sites combining budgets or district central office allocation of budget to school site.

Anonymous said...

Even if we aren't able to increase programs/resources yet---maybe if we collaborate we can keep staff in our community. With budget cuts, if we lose positions from full to part time at a school (for example) maybe another school can use the same person. The benefits would be: they know our kids, they work in the area, understand the focus & goals for our schools/cluster,etc. Examples might be: counselors, nurses/health aides, resource teachers, etc.

Mark Berry said...

This is a great start. I'm interested in this because it makes the whole school experience for my kids better. If we don't do this, we are doomed to apathy. Our American values are to always improve our situation and this would be an improvement. It is a shame that our kids are not receiving the best from the district for what we know is possible.

What is the next significant step to making this happen? Also, why not also work on DeBeck's splitting the district idea?

Kris Spathas said...
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Matt Spathas said...

Hi Mark, thanks for the comments. We will explore all options and need input. Please bring up at the next PLCS meeting - but, we should consider all options, including cluster governance, charter, forming new district, etc.

Anonymous said...

Would it be possible to post (or provide a link to a post) of DeBeck's presentation on creating a new school district? I understand that it is a different concept than possible cluster governance, but am interested in learning about his ideas as well. Thanks in advance.

Matt Spathas said...

Sure. You can find all presentations, including Mr. de Beck's on the Point Loma Cluster web site ( Select the Governance tab, then Presentations & Info. You will find information and presentations.

Direct link:

Thanks for the suggestion.